const { EPS, TAU } = require('../maths/constants')
const vec3 = require('../maths/vec3')
const geom3 = require('../geometries/geom3')
const poly3 = require('../geometries/poly3')
const { sin, cos } = require('../maths/utils/trigonometry')
const { isGT, isGTE, isNumberArray } = require('./commonChecks')
* Construct a Z axis-aligned elliptic cylinder in three dimensional space.
* @param {Object} [options] - options for construction
* @param {Array} [[0,0,0]] - center of cylinder
* @param {Number} [options.height=2] - height of cylinder
* @param {Array} [options.startRadius=[1,1]] - radius of rounded start, must be two dimensional array
* @param {Number} [options.startAngle=0] - start angle of cylinder, in radians
* @param {Array} [options.endRadius=[1,1]] - radius of rounded end, must be two dimensional array
* @param {Number} [options.endAngle=TAU] - end angle of cylinder, in radians
* @param {Number} [options.segments=32] - number of segments to create per full rotation
* @returns {geom3} new geometry
* @alias module:modeling/primitives.cylinderElliptic
* @example
* let myshape = cylinderElliptic({height: 2, startRadius: [10,5], endRadius: [8,3]})
const cylinderElliptic = (options) => {
const defaults = {
center: [0, 0, 0],
height: 2,
startRadius: [1, 1],
startAngle: 0,
endRadius: [1, 1],
endAngle: TAU,
segments: 32
let { center, height, startRadius, startAngle, endRadius, endAngle, segments } = Object.assign({}, defaults, options)
if (!isNumberArray(center, 3)) throw new Error('center must be an array of X, Y and Z values')
if (!isGT(height, 0)) throw new Error('height must be greater then zero')
if (!isNumberArray(startRadius, 2)) throw new Error('startRadius must be an array of X and Y values')
if (!startRadius.every((n) => n >= 0)) throw new Error('startRadius values must be positive')
if (!isNumberArray(endRadius, 2)) throw new Error('endRadius must be an array of X and Y values')
if (!endRadius.every((n) => n >= 0)) throw new Error('endRadius values must be positive')
if (endRadius.every((n) => n === 0) && startRadius.every((n) => n === 0)) throw new Error('at least one radius must be positive')
if (!isGTE(startAngle, 0)) throw new Error('startAngle must be positive')
if (!isGTE(endAngle, 0)) throw new Error('endAngle must be positive')
if (!isGTE(segments, 4)) throw new Error('segments must be four or more')
startAngle = startAngle % TAU
endAngle = endAngle % TAU
let rotation = TAU
if (startAngle < endAngle) {
rotation = endAngle - startAngle
if (startAngle > endAngle) {
rotation = endAngle + (TAU - startAngle)
const minradius = Math.min(startRadius[0], startRadius[1], endRadius[0], endRadius[1])
const minangle = Math.acos(((minradius * minradius) + (minradius * minradius) - (EPS * EPS)) /
(2 * minradius * minradius))
if (rotation < minangle) throw new Error('startAngle and endAngle do not define a significant rotation')
const slices = Math.floor(segments * (rotation / TAU))
const start = vec3.fromValues(0, 0, -(height / 2))
const end = vec3.fromValues(0, 0, height / 2)
const ray = vec3.subtract(vec3.create(), end, start)
const axisX = vec3.fromValues(1, 0, 0)
const axisY = vec3.fromValues(0, 1, 0)
const v1 = vec3.create()
const v2 = vec3.create()
const v3 = vec3.create()
const point = (stack, slice, radius) => {
const angle = slice * rotation + startAngle
vec3.scale(v1, axisX, radius[0] * cos(angle))
vec3.scale(v2, axisY, radius[1] * sin(angle))
vec3.add(v1, v1, v2)
vec3.scale(v3, ray, stack)
vec3.add(v3, v3, start)
return vec3.add(vec3.create(), v1, v3)
// adjust the points to center
const fromPoints = (...points) => {
const newpoints = => vec3.add(vec3.create(), point, center))
return poly3.create(newpoints)
const polygons = []
for (let i = 0; i < slices; i++) {
const t0 = i / slices
let t1 = (i + 1) / slices
// fix rounding error when rotating TAU radians
if (rotation === TAU && i === slices - 1) t1 = 0
if (endRadius[0] === startRadius[0] && endRadius[1] === startRadius[1]) {
polygons.push(fromPoints(start, point(0, t1, endRadius), point(0, t0, endRadius)))
polygons.push(fromPoints(point(0, t1, endRadius), point(1, t1, endRadius), point(1, t0, endRadius), point(0, t0, endRadius)))
polygons.push(fromPoints(end, point(1, t0, endRadius), point(1, t1, endRadius)))
} else {
if (startRadius[0] > 0 && startRadius[1] > 0) {
polygons.push(fromPoints(start, point(0, t1, startRadius), point(0, t0, startRadius)))
if (startRadius[0] > 0 || startRadius[1] > 0) {
polygons.push(fromPoints(point(0, t0, startRadius), point(0, t1, startRadius), point(1, t0, endRadius)))
if (endRadius[0] > 0 && endRadius[1] > 0) {
polygons.push(fromPoints(end, point(1, t0, endRadius), point(1, t1, endRadius)))
if (endRadius[0] > 0 || endRadius[1] > 0) {
polygons.push(fromPoints(point(1, t0, endRadius), point(0, t1, startRadius), point(1, t1, endRadius)))
if (rotation < TAU) {
polygons.push(fromPoints(start, point(0, 0, startRadius), end))
polygons.push(fromPoints(point(0, 0, startRadius), point(1, 0, endRadius), end))
polygons.push(fromPoints(start, end, point(0, 1, startRadius)))
polygons.push(fromPoints(point(0, 1, startRadius), end, point(1, 1, endRadius)))
const result = geom3.create(polygons)
return result
module.exports = cylinderElliptic