const vec3 = require('../vec3')
* Create a plane from the given points.
* @param {plane} out - receiving plane
* @param {Array} vertices - points on the plane
* @returns {plane} out
* @alias module:modeling/maths/plane.fromPoints
const fromPoints = (out, ...vertices) => {
const len = vertices.length
// Calculate normal vector for a single vertex
// Inline to avoid allocations
const ba = vec3.create()
const ca = vec3.create()
const vertexNormal = (index) => {
const a = vertices[index]
const b = vertices[(index + 1) % len]
const c = vertices[(index + 2) % len]
vec3.subtract(ba, b, a) // ba = b - a
vec3.subtract(ca, c, a) // ca = c - a
vec3.cross(ba, ba, ca) // ba = ba x ca
vec3.normalize(ba, ba)
return ba
out[0] = 0
out[1] = 0
out[2] = 0
if (len === 3) {
// optimization for triangles, which are always coplanar
vec3.copy(out, vertexNormal(0))
} else {
// sum of vertex normals
vertices.forEach((v, i) => {
vec3.add(out, out, vertexNormal(i))
// renormalize normal vector
vec3.normalize(out, out)
out[3] =, vertices[0])
return out
module.exports = fromPoints