const { TAU } = require('../../maths/constants')
const vec2 = require('../../maths/vec2')
const vec3 = require('../../maths/vec2')
const appendPoints = require('./appendPoints')
const toPoints = require('./toPoints')
* Append a series of points to the given geometry that represent a Bezier curve.
* The Bézier curve starts at the last point in the given geometry, and ends at the last control point.
* The other control points are intermediate control points to transition the curve from start to end points.
* The first control point may be null to ensure a smooth transition occurs. In this case,
* the second to last point of the given geometry is mirrored into the control points of the Bezier curve.
* In other words, the trailing gradient of the geometry matches the new gradient of the curve.
* @param {Object} options - options for construction
* @param {Array} options.controlPoints - list of control points (2D) for the bezier curve
* @param {Number} [options.segment=16] - number of segments per 360 rotation
* @param {path2} geometry - the path of which to appended points
* @returns {path2} a new path with the appended points
* @alias module:modeling/geometries/path2.appendBezier
* @example
* let p5 = path2.create({}, [[10,-20]])
* p5 = path2.appendBezier({controlPoints: [[10,-10],[25,-10],[25,-20]]}, p5);
* p5 = path2.appendBezier({controlPoints: [null, [25,-30],[40,-30],[40,-20]]}, p5)
const appendBezier = (options, geometry) => {
const defaults = {
segments: 16
let { controlPoints, segments } = Object.assign({}, defaults, options)
// validate the given options
if (!Array.isArray(controlPoints)) throw new Error('controlPoints must be an array of one or more points')
if (controlPoints.length < 1) throw new Error('controlPoints must be an array of one or more points')
if (segments < 4) throw new Error('segments must be four or more')
// validate the given geometry
if (geometry.isClosed) {
throw new Error('the given geometry cannot be closed')
const points = toPoints(geometry)
if (points.length < 1) {
throw new Error('the given path must contain one or more points (as the starting point for the bezier curve)')
// make a copy of the control points
controlPoints = controlPoints.slice()
// special handling of null control point (only first is allowed)
const firstControlPoint = controlPoints[0]
if (firstControlPoint === null) {
if (controlPoints.length < 2) {
throw new Error('a null control point must be passed with one more control points')
// special handling of a previous bezier curve
let lastBezierControlPoint = points[points.length - 2]
if ('lastBezierControlPoint' in geometry) {
lastBezierControlPoint = geometry.lastBezierControlPoint
if (!Array.isArray(lastBezierControlPoint)) {
throw new Error('the given path must contain TWO or more points if given a null control point')
// replace the first control point with the mirror of the last bezier control point
const controlpoint = vec2.scale(vec2.create(), points[points.length - 1], 2)
vec2.subtract(controlpoint, controlpoint, lastBezierControlPoint)
controlPoints[0] = controlpoint
// add a control point for the previous end point
controlPoints.unshift(points[points.length - 1])
const bezierOrder = controlPoints.length - 1
const factorials = []
let fact = 1
for (let i = 0; i <= bezierOrder; ++i) {
if (i > 0) fact *= i
const binomials = []
for (let i = 0; i <= bezierOrder; ++i) {
const binomial = factorials[bezierOrder] / (factorials[i] * factorials[bezierOrder - i])
const v0 = vec2.create()
const v1 = vec2.create()
const v3 = vec3.create()
const getPointForT = (t) => {
let tk = 1 // = pow(t,k)
let oneMinusTNMinusK = Math.pow(1 - t, bezierOrder) // = pow( 1-t, bezierOrder - k)
const invOneMinusT = (t !== 1) ? (1 / (1 - t)) : 1
const point = vec2.create() // 0, 0, 0
for (let k = 0; k <= bezierOrder; ++k) {
if (k === bezierOrder) oneMinusTNMinusK = 1
const bernsteinCoefficient = binomials[k] * tk * oneMinusTNMinusK
const derivativePoint = vec2.scale(v0, controlPoints[k], bernsteinCoefficient)
vec2.add(point, point, derivativePoint)
tk *= t
oneMinusTNMinusK *= invOneMinusT
return point
const newpoints = []
const newpointsT = []
const numsteps = bezierOrder + 1
for (let i = 0; i < numsteps; ++i) {
const t = i / (numsteps - 1)
const point = getPointForT(t)
// subdivide each segment until the angle at each vertex becomes small enough:
let subdivideBase = 1
const maxangle = TAU / segments
const maxsinangle = Math.sin(maxangle)
while (subdivideBase < newpoints.length - 1) {
const dir1 = vec2.subtract(v0, newpoints[subdivideBase], newpoints[subdivideBase - 1])
vec2.normalize(dir1, dir1)
const dir2 = vec2.subtract(v1, newpoints[subdivideBase + 1], newpoints[subdivideBase])
vec2.normalize(dir2, dir2)
const sinangle = vec2.cross(v3, dir1, dir2) // the sine of the angle
if (Math.abs(sinangle[2]) > maxsinangle) {
// angle is too big, we need to subdivide
const t0 = newpointsT[subdivideBase - 1]
const t1 = newpointsT[subdivideBase + 1]
const newt0 = t0 + (t1 - t0) * 1 / 3
const newt1 = t0 + (t1 - t0) * 2 / 3
const point0 = getPointForT(newt0)
const point1 = getPointForT(newt1)
// remove the point at subdivideBase and replace with 2 new points:
newpoints.splice(subdivideBase, 1, point0, point1)
newpointsT.splice(subdivideBase, 1, newt0, newt1)
// re - evaluate the angles, starting at the previous junction since it has changed:
if (subdivideBase < 1) subdivideBase = 1
} else {
// append to the new points to the given path
// but skip the first new point because it is identical to the last point in the given path
const result = appendPoints(newpoints, geometry)
result.lastBezierControlPoint = controlPoints[controlPoints.length - 2]
return result
module.exports = appendBezier