const mat4 = require('../../maths/mat4')
* Transform the given geometry using the given matrix.
* This is a lazy transform of the polygons, as this function only adjusts the transforms.
* See applyTransforms() for the actual application of the transforms to the polygons.
* @param {mat4} matrix - the matrix to transform with
* @param {geom3} geometry - the geometry to transform
* @returns {geom3} a new geometry
* @alias module:modeling/geometries/geom3.transform
* @example
* let newgeometry = transform(fromXRotation(degToRad(90)), geometry)
const transform = (matrix, geometry) => {
const transforms = mat4.multiply(mat4.create(), matrix, geometry.transforms)
return Object.assign({}, geometry, { transforms })
module.exports = transform